德國白酒天王莊園: Joh Jos Prum(稀世珍釀75號)

德國白酒天王莊園: Joh Jos Prum(稀世珍釀75號)

Dear All,

只要說起德國白酒(更精確的應該說, 這世界上的白酒), J.J.Prum(一般稱為普綠園)絕對是愛酒人必備的收藏. 這個現在由法學博士Katharina Prum領導的莊園, 面積約有14公頃, 種植的葡萄100%都是Riesling. 其中最重要的一塊葡萄園就是五公頃大的[日晷]園(Sonnenuhr ). 土壤為藍灰色的板岩, 多數都是”原生”老藤(許多其他的莊園種植的是從美國嫁接來的葡萄樹), 將普綠園推向顛峰的老莊主Manfred認為原生老藤所釀的酒比起嫁接的要來得更均衡與協調, 同時受到霜凍不易”落果”, 也不會因為綿綿的陰雨而腐爛, 因為這邊的土地本來就最適合”原生”葡萄樹. 而且Manfred採收的時間都比鄰園要至少晚上一兩週, 常常都要冒著隨時會下起大雨而讓葡萄受傷的風險, 但是, 也因為如此, 普綠園所釀造出來的酒, 都非常的耐久存!!

美國著名雜誌Wine Spectator就曾在1994年撰寫了一篇名為”Patience and Perfection”的文章來介紹普綠園是如何對於採收的時間錙銖必較, 和做出偉大的Riesling白酒是需要何等”鋼鐵般”的意志!! 以下節錄文章部份:
To make great Riesling, you need nerves of steel. No one knows this better than Manfred Prüm, owner of the legendary German wine estate of Joh. Jos. Prüm in the Mosel River Valley. Long after most of the neighboring vineyards have given up their grapes, the 59-year-old winemaker still looks to the morning sky to see if it’s time to pick the famed Wehlener Sonnenuhr vineyard. Can he afford to wait another day to let the grapes ripen even more? Or is it time to tell his pickers to go into the vineyard before bad weather strikes?
Prüm has even let grapes hang in the rain, gambling that dry, sunny weather will return and yet higher levels of ripeness and concentration can be attained. When this happens he glows with satisfaction and spares no effort to select the most heavily botrytized grapes that are needed for Germany’s richest wines. Of course, he can also lose the gamble, and with it his grapes, to the rain and stormy weather. “Sometimes we have to accept losses,” he says philosophically, “but looked at statistically, we win more often than we lose.”

不過, 讚許與介紹得再多, 也得喝上一回, 才能讓人心領神會!!尤其在春天充滿陽光的午後, 無論在自家庭院或是外出踏青, 若能啜飲一口普綠園, 肯定讓人通體舒暢, 忘卻煩憂!!

開瓶獻上諸多年份的普綠園精心傑作, 絕對令人喜出望外的價格但稀少的數量, 請有興趣的朋友, 回信要快囉!!:)


因為是非常優質且數量有限的超值酒款, 還是得再告訴大家, 有興趣的朋友請盡快回覆您需要的品項與數量, 此次購滿 6 瓶屆時即享免費宅配服務. 符合宅配條件的朋友請告知您的中文姓名, 宅配地址與聯絡電話. 謝謝大家, 謝謝!!

PS.1: 請注意, 此酒款為現貨酒2020.07.28(星期二)光復店開始供貨
PS.2: 開瓶希望每次的推薦酒有興趣的朋友都能買到, 但有些品項真的就是太搶手, 在此再次跟所有曾經或即將向隅的朋友致上最深的歉意!!