週五驚嚇現貨Go — 葡萄酒裡有種”橘酒”(Orange Wine),您試過了嗎?:)

週五驚嚇現貨Go — 葡萄酒裡有種”橘酒”(Orange Wine),您試過了嗎?:)

Dear All,

葡萄酒裡有種”橘酒”(Orange Wine),您試過了嗎?:)




每年5月在倫敦舉辦的RAW酒展,是自然酒(Natural Wine)迷不能錯過的盛會。這個由法國第一位女性葡萄酒大師(Master of Wine,MW)Isabelle Legeron MW在倫敦所創辦的RAW自然酒展,規模越來越大,不過即使與會者眾,但這類葡萄酒,在英國酒業如此興盛的國家其實都還算相當小眾。




今天要推薦給大家的這款橘酒,便是兩者兼具的代表! 位在義大利Emilia-Romagna由Alberto 和Claudia夫婦創立的Podere Pradarolo, 因為在乎葡萄園生態的生物多樣性與酒質的平衡與“原始美味”,他們在一開始就以有機方式耕作照料葡萄園,而在釀造上選則長時間浸皮發酵的葡萄酒型態(以今天介紹的這款橘酒為例:270天的浸皮發酵,只用不銹鋼桶和水泥槽培養,不過濾)。他們家的橘酒我在兩三年前喝過,是友人從義大利所帶回,當時就被其複雜層次豐富的香氣與口感所驚艷,但是或許緣分未到,所以未能有機會介紹給開瓶的朋友(其實只要上他們家網站找這款橘酒,上面寫的都是”Sold Out” : http://www.poderepradarolo.com/en/vej),這次恰巧透過義大利友人幫忙,才弄到僅僅的120瓶,已經在開瓶休息了約兩個月,上個星期碰巧林裕森大師在他的Facebook上面也提到了橘酒,看來也該是介紹給大家的時候了! 喜愛葡萄酒無限可能性的朋友,絕對不能錯過這款得來不易的義大利橘酒:)


16 Podere PradaroloVej 270 Bianco Antico@NT$1,290

Vej 270 Bianco Antico Podere Pradarolo, Natural, Orange Wine: complex, aromatic, herbaceous. This is a great value skin contact wine with plenty going on. It’s textured, structured, complex but with plenty of freshness – hints of candied peel, and other classic Malvasia characteristics. Aged for 16 months in huge oak barrels (their words!) after a 90 day maceration. Fermentation of the organic grapes is spontaneous, no sulphur is added and the wine is bottled without filtration. If you like your orange wines this is well worth a punt with pork dishes, meaty fish or even hearty veg dishes. Claudia, part of the husband and wife team who run the estate, said about this wine: “VEJ is my wine, this ancient rose scented white wine, typical of Pradarolo and is really a feminine wine. I adore it. The natural wines thus have become my damnation, I can’t drink anything else, in fact I have developed an intolerance to sulphur that causes me heartburn and headaches. Be careful because real wine is addictive!“


Characteristics: From organic grapes, long maceration (270 days 9 months), without sulphur dioxide, native yeast, without filtration. Vinification and fining only in stainless steel and concrete containers


葡萄品種:Malvasia di Candia Aromatica 100%




購滿六瓶  每瓶再特價: NT$1,200


因為是非常優質且數量有限的酒款, 還是得再告訴大家, 有興趣的朋友請盡快回覆您需要的品項與數量, 購滿  6  瓶屆時即享免費宅配服務. 符合宅配條件的朋友請告知您的中文姓名, 宅配地址與聯絡電話. 謝謝大家, 謝謝!!


PS.1: 請注意, 這些酒款均為現貨酒, 2018.05.11(星期五)開瓶光復店開始供貨

PS.2: 開瓶希望每次的預購有興趣的朋友都能買到, 但有些品項真的就是太搶手, 在此再次跟所有曾經或即將向隅的朋友致上最深的歉意!!


(禁止酒駕 飲酒過量 有礙健康 未成年請勿飲酒)