義大利酒專家Nicolas Belfrage在他的專著The Finest Wines Of Tuscany介紹過一兩百個酒莊,對每個酒莊他都會在文末評介一下醉值得留意的酒,唯獨在Montenidoli這一章,他只語帶神秘的說道:
“You have to sense it, taste it, relate to it. So I won’t attempt to describe her wines, except to say they’re different.I will merely give you their names and a little information, urging you to track them down.”
而標題也來自Nicolas形容Montenidoli的一段話,”The essential ingredient of Elisabetta Fagiuoli’s wines is soul, and you can’t describe soul.”
要了解Montenidoli, 真的要拜讀的是香港義大利酒的傳道士 — Stephen Wong(網路筆名:抱青) — 的文章. 真的也是很奇妙,會欣賞相同酒的人,似乎無論在天涯海角,都有機會能夠湊在一起吃飯聊酒,我和Stephen也就是這麼經由朋友輾轉介紹認識的.
MW(Master of Wine) Mark Pygott品試了Montenidoli的白酒 : Montenidoli , Il Templare , Toscana IGT Bianco, 他給了我以下的Tasting Notes: ” Delicious, savoury, rich, salty and perfect for a Sunday afternoon. It’s my kind of wine. Interesting but not taxing, savoury but not without fruit and rich but still vivacious.”
而Robert Parker的義大利酒酒評代表Monica Larner,在品試了Vernaccia di San Gimignano產區所Review的44款酒中(第一次Review),Montenidoli的2010Carato得到最高的94分, 不過就像Stephen跟我說的,Elisabetta根本就不會在乎這些分數,因為,我們也不是因為分數愛上Montenidoli,Montenidoli也不是因為有分數才開始釀造葡萄酒的…如果可以早些發現這些真正用心與葡萄對話,卻從不在價格上哄抬的美麗小酒莊,不僅荷包不會莫名失血,還有種比酒評家更早了解這些酒的”痛快感”,喝葡萄酒的樂趣,不正在此嗎?:)
開瓶獨家代理, 真情至性的Toscana(托斯卡尼)的小村San Gimignano(可別小看這個小村子, 她可是全義大利第一個白酒的DOC於1966年, 並於1993年升格為DOCG)的小酒莊 — Montenidoli, 不管紅白酒, 都相當精彩!! 有興趣的朋友,手腳千萬要快!!
1. 19 Montenidoli, Tradizionale Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG@請電洽
Blend: 100% Vernaccia
Fermentation:Following local tradition, the must macerates long on the skins, and is pressed just before the fermentation begins, to capture the character and the flavors of the land.
Pale yellow, tending towards gold, with hay and almonds on the nose, and rich on the palate, with a firm dry finish.
Food-Wine Pairings: Perfect for ideal for olive oil-based Mediterranean dishes. Well suited for all manner of seafood dishes, including raw fish, and is perfect with sushi. For vegetable based dishes year round, including the tannins of artichokes or asparagus, and the iron of spinach and liver.
2. 18 Montenidoli, Fiore Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG@請電洽
Blend: 100% Vernaccia
Fermentation: The free-run must, which expresses the terrific elegance and finesse of the varietal. The must flows naturally from the grapes that break because of the pressure of those above them in the press. It ferments in steel and ages long on the lees to gain roundness and persistence.
Food-Wine Pairings: The most elegant expression of Vernaccia di San Gimignano. Well suited to delicate dishes with cream sauces, steamed fish, and delicate fish such as sole, whiting, or brook trout. Perfect with fish mousse or soufflé, and white meats including chicken breast, turkey breast, or milk-fed veal.
3. 15 Montenidoli, Il Templare Toscana IGT Bianco@請電洽
Blend: 70% Vernaccia, 20% Trebbiano Gentile, 10% Malvasia Bianca
Fermentation: The great white wine of the warrior monks of the middle ages, to be drunk, says the Rule, “as needed to distance the cold.” From Vernaccia, Trebbiano, and Malvasia grapes fermented in old barriques, in which it ages for 12 months.
Food-Wine Pairings: A classic Tuscan white wine, perfect with molluscs and crustaceans, and also with stock fish, sword fish, tuna, and the other great fish of the high seas.
4. 16 Montenidoli, Carato Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG@請電洽
Blend: 100% Vernaccia
Fermentation: The free-run must from the best vineyards, which ferments in barrels and ages on the lees for 12 months. Wood contributes to the complexity of the secondary aromas, developing, over time, a richness of flavor and taste that brings to mind citrus and honey.
Food-Wine Pairings: Perfect with cheeses or richer dishes. It is also ideal for the evening, refreshing the palate after the fuller reds of an important meal.
5. 18 Montenidoli, Il Garrulo, Chianti Colli Senesi DOCG@請電洽
Composition From the four traditional Chianti varieties: Sangiovese, Canaiolo , Trebbiano, Malvasia
Farming Strictly organic Certified by ICEA
Vinification In glass lined concrete vats
Refining In glass lined concrete vats
Aging In bottle
On the Palate Fruity, bright, lively and easy to drink
Wine-food pairings The tomato wine! Mediterranean dishes, pasta, barbeque, good at any time for happy easy drinking.
6. 17 Montenidoli, Toscana IGT Rosso@NT$1,060
Blend: 100% Sangiovese
Vinification: the Sangiovese grapes of Montenidoli macerate and fermentin glass-lined cement tanks. It refines in French barrels and it is bottled after one year to preserve its vibrant youth.
A bright, brilliant red, with a fresh clean nose.
In the mouth it is lively and exuberant with a tough, long aftertaste.
Wine-food pairings: a perfect wine for meats, from poultry to beef to pork,
whether grilled, roasted, or cooked atop the stove. Also excellent with lamb,
duck, pheasant or ham and salami.
7. 18 Montenidoli, Colorino Toscana IGT Rosso@請電洽(年產量僅1500瓶)
Blend: 100% Colorino
Vinification: The red berries of Colorino were used to give more colour to the Sangiovese. Maceration and fermentation in glass lined concrete vats.
Refining In barriqueWe vinify this grape on its own. A deep, dark red colour hides a gentle wine, with an inky nose, round taste and velvety aftertaste. So good with snacks and light food.
因為是非常優質且數量有限的酒款, 還是得再告訴大家, 有興趣的朋友請盡快回覆您需要的品項與數量, 此次購滿 6 瓶屆時即享免費宅配服務. 符合宅配條件的朋友請告知您的中文姓名, 宅配地址與聯絡電話. 謝謝大家, 謝謝!!
PS.1: 請注意, 這些酒款均為現貨酒, 即日起光復店 開始供貨, 若 有提前或延後會另行通知有購買的朋友
PS.2: 開瓶希望每次的推薦酒有興趣的朋友都能買到, 但有些品項真的就是太搶手, 在此再次跟所有曾經或即將向隅的朋友致上最深的歉意!!
(禁止酒駕 飲酒過量 有礙健康 未成年請勿飲酒)